How To Disable App Suggestions In Start Menu In Windows 10

As said before, app suggestions appear in Start menu occasionally, and you will not see app suggestions each time you open the Start menu. Here is a guide on How To Disable App Suggestions In Start Menu In Windows 10. While Start menu is showing only app suggestions as of now, Microsoft might use this space and feature to show other types of suggestions in future.

As you can see in the picture above, the app suggestion recommends only quality apps. The feature helps you discover quality apps without having to search the web or the Store.

Turn off app suggestions in Windows 10 Start menu

Complete the given below directions to turn off app suggestions in Windows 10 Start menu.

Step 1: Open Start menu and then click Settings to open the same. Alternatively, you can simultaneously press Windows logo and I keys (Windows logo + I) to open Settings using keyboard shortcut.

Step 2: Once Settings app is launched, click Personalization icon.

How To Disable App Suggestions In Start Menu In Windows 10

Step 3: Click Start.

Step 4: Turn off the option labelled Occasionally show suggestions in Start to disable app and other suggestions in Start menu.

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