How to Disable Extension in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10

Microsoft windows 10 has comes with super fast Microsoft Edge browser. Microsoft has already launched many updates to Microsoft Edge browser. Like Google Chrome and Firefox, Microsoft Edge browser allows users to add new extensions. The Extension support now allows you to install your favorite extensions from the Windows store and also you can disable extensions in Microsoft Edge browser.

However, the extension support may not be of use to everyone or due to some reason you may want to disable it in Microsoft Edge.

If you want to disable Extension in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10, then check this article. There are two ways to disable extension support in Microsoft Edge. Both involves some tinkering with your registry and group policy editor.

How to Disable Extension in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10

Method 1: Disable Extension using Registry Editor

Open Registry Editor. To do this, press Windows key + R, type regidit.exe in the Run box and hit enter. If asked to provide admin access, do it.

Next, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft.

Now you need to create a new Key under Microsoft. To create a new key, right-click on Microsoft, select New and then select Key.

Enter MicrosoftEdge as the name for the key.

Next, right-click on MicrosoftEdge key and create another key named Extensions.

Right-click on Extensions key and select New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. Make sure the value is set to 0 in Data column.

Now open Microsoft Edge web browser, click on the Menu  (Three dots) icon. Scroll to the extension, and you will see the error message saying “Your organization doesn’t allow extensions.”

That’s it. You have successfully disabled Extension feature in Microsoft Edge.

Method 2: Disable Extension Using Group Policy Editor

You can also disable the extension in Microsoft Edge using the Group Policy Editor. Here is how to do it.

Press Windows Key + R to open Run dialogue box. Type gpedit.msc and hit enter. It will open Group Policy Editor.

From the Group Policy Editor, navigate to, Computer Configuration >> Administrative Template >> Windows Components >> Microsoft Edge.

Select Microsoft Edge, In Right-side pane, find Allow Extensions.

Double Click on Allow Extensions and it will open properties. Select Disabled from the window and click OK to save the settings.

If you want to enable the extension support, then double-click on Allow Extensions and select Not Configured.

How to Disable Extension in Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 Reviewed by Unknown on 11:56:00 Rating: 5

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