How To Get Full Battery Notification In Windows 10

When the battery of your Windows 10 laptop or tablet reaches low level, Windows alerts you by displaying a notification on the screen. However, Windows 10 doesn’t alert you when the battery is fully (100%) charged. We get Low battery alert but not for battery full charged notification or alert. So here is a guide on How To Get Full Battery Notification In Windows 10.

A quick web search reveals that leaving your laptop plugged is okay and might not reduce battery lifespan significantly. That said, experts suggest one should keep a watch on battery’s temperature when plugged in for a long time.

Sometimes due to overheating, battery destroyed. So follow these steps to get Full Battery Notification In Windows 10.

Get full battery alert in Windows 10

Complete the given below directions without any deviations to get full battery notification in Windows 10.

Step 1: Download the file from here. Extract the zip file (right-click, click Extract all, select a location, and then click Extract) content to desktop to get FullBattery.vbs file. The credit for the script file goes to John Howard.

 Get Full Battery Notification In Windows 10

NOTE: You may edit the script to get notification for battery level anything between zero and hundred. To edit, right-click on the script, click Open with, click Notepad, change the 100% value to a number between zero and hundred. Don’t forget to save the changes!

Step 2: To enable full battery notification, simply double-click on FullBattery.vbs file once. Note that you will not see any notification or any window upon running the VBS script. Also, make sure you don’t launch the script multiple times as multiple instances of the script means multiple notifications!

Step 3: Create a shortcut of the script by right-clicking on FullBattery.vbs file and then clicking Create shortcut option.

Step 4: Open the Run command box using Windows logo + R hotkey. In the command field, type Shell:startup, and then press Enter to open the Startup folder.

Step 5: Finally, copy and paste the FullBattery shortcut that you created in Step 3 in to the Startup folder. Enjoy.

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How To Get Full Battery Notification In Windows 10 Reviewed by Unknown on 10:41:00 Rating: 5

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