How to take a screenshot on Windows 10

How to take a screenshot on Windows 10: Every now and then, you might need to take a screenshot on your Windows 10 computer. In this tutorial we are going to tell you how to capture a screen shot on windows 10 with and without any tool. It's easy to take a screenshot on PC or laptop. Here are two easy ways to take a screenshot in Windows 10.

Taking a screenshot can be highly useful for all kinds of reasons, and with Windows 10 there are multiple ways to create screenshots that can be easily shared or put into documents.

For whatever the reasons, Windows 10, just like its predecessor, allows you to take screenshots in windows 10. In this guide. take a screenshot on Windows 10

How to take a screenshot on Windows 10

1. Capture the whole desktop (copy to clipboard)

If you hit the Print Screen key, a full snapshot of your desktop is copied to your clipboard. In order to view it, open your favorite image-editing tool, for example, Microsoft Paint or Photoshop and paste it (Ctrl+V).

2. Capture the whole desktop (auto-save it to folder)

Hitting the Print screen + Win Key key simultaneously will capture your full screen and save it in PNG format. All your screenshots are located in the folder screenshots inside your Pictures folder.

How to capture a screenshot on Windows 10

3. Capture active window (copy to clipboard)

Using this method, you can capture only the active Window on your screen by pressing the combo Alt+Print screen. This might come in handy, especially when you want to show to someone a specific application Window leaving your messy desktop out of it.

4. Capture screenshot using the Snipping tool

While these are quick and easy to remember ways of taking screenshots, this might not be flexible enough depending on your needs.

  • In Windows 10, search for "snipping tool".
  • Open tool and click on "New".
  • Then Select area that you want to capture from your screen.
  • Enjoy.

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How to take a screenshot on Windows 10 Reviewed by Unknown on 21:28:00 Rating: 5

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